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President Barack Obama said:  The Libyan government?s continued violation of human rights, brutalization of its people, and outrageous threats have rightly drawn the strong and broad condemnation of the international community,   We will stand steadfastly with the Libyan people in their demand for universal rights, and a government that is responsive to their aspirations. Their human dignity cannot be denied

This is an amazing story of the Libya rescue and humanitarian efforts that have been underway – this is from last Thursday –

The Associated Press
Thursday, February 24, 2011; 10:52 AM

Egyptians, Tunisians try to help Libyan neighbors


They (the injured) are prevented from exiting the country, and stopped long before they reach the border,  Dr. Mourad al-Ayashi, a Tunis-based doctor, said Thursday.  It’s really frustrating for all the volunteers because they’re ready, with tons of supplies and blood and everything, but they can’t put any of it into practice, though we know there’s an enormous need inside Libya.



Libyan residents rush to receive government handouts

NECN – ‎8 hours ago‎

(NECN/CNN) – Residents of Libya’s capital Tripoli have been rushing to banks to receive a government handout. But will this solve the problems of the country under leader Moammar Gadhafi’s control? Libyan citizens are lining up at banks to claim a $400



from Itar-Tass (Feb. 28, 2011)

Before the arrival of a group of foreign reporters the main streets and squares in Tripoli were cleaned, and new banners were hung instead of burned portraits of the leader of the Libyan revolution. The Gaddafi government announced a number of measures to improve the social situation for the population of the capital, promising to allocate an additional 400 US dollars monthly for each urban family. The monthly wage for civil servants has been raised by 150 percent.

Nevertheless, journalists who made a trip to Az Zawiyah were surprised to see crowds of rebel protesters who came out to them instead of the city officials loyal to the regime. After learning about the incident, Gaddafi immediately cancelled the visit of foreign media delegation to Misratah.

Former Libyan Interior Minister Abdel Fattah Younis, who sided with protesters, said in a live broadcast that Gaddafi sent artillery units and tanks to crush the uprising in the towns neighbouring Tripoli. According to him, “a massacre is being prepared there.” Younis said that the tank battalions also blocked the coastal highway, in order to prevent the capture of Sirte port by rebels.


From its first paragraph (above)

BEIRUT, February 28 (Itar-Tass) – The Bab al Azizia fortress in the south of Tripoli is becoming the last stronghold of Muammar al-Gaddafi regime. The building surrounded by three rows of concrete walls that went under a missile attack in 1986 on the order of US President Ronald Reagan, is arousing less and les fear in the population.

The Libyan leader is doomed, however, his former brother-in-arms who have forsaken him, warn about the danger of crazy steps Gaddafi could resort to in a desperate attempt to retain power.




from CNN a little bit ago – about an hour ago –

Meanwhile, security forces said they had switched sides and joined the opposition in Zawiya, a town about 55 kilometers (35 miles) from the capital, Tripoli.

CNN’s Nic Robertson, on a government-organized trip to Zawiya, saw armed civilians taking defensive positions on rooftops to prepare for a possible effort by Gadhafi loyalists to retake the town.

Some buildings in Zawiya showed signs of damage Sunday, including a freshly burned-out police station.

Hours earlier, Zawiya purportedly was controlled by the government, according to officials who drove members of the media to the town.


Gadhafi clings to power after some security forces turn against him

By the CNN Wire Staff
February 28, 2011 — Updated 0847 GMT (1647 HKT)

(also says – )

The death toll from the recent unrest has topped 1,000, according to an estimate from U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the Security Council measures form “one of the speediest international responses to a government targeting its own people.”

“We recognize the killings are ongoing,” Clinton told reporters en route to a meeting of the U.N. Human Rights Council in Switzerland. “We recognize we need to advance the humanitarian, the military, judicial, and even forensic planning already under way.”


Virtually all 30,000 Chinese in Libya evacuated


My Note – I’m not sure of the validity of this information (below) – aside from the title which seems to be wishful thinking, there are elements of this info that claim a killing spree is being conducted by Qaddafi right now in Benghazi and Tripoli against citizens. It says this – possible, I suppose, – but now?

Meanwhile,one of the close aides and defense advisor of Gaddafi, the self-proclaimed killer of the founding father of Bangladesh, Colonel [dismissed] Khandekar Abdur Rashid, reportedly has been in command of a special contingent of pro-Gaddafi militias, which are engaged in the systematic and brutal murder of civilians within the Benghazi and Tripoli areas.

Gaddafi Preparing To Flee

by Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury
February 28, 2011 at 4:30 am


Libya’s dictator, Muammar Al Gaddafi, in the last bid to save his 42-year reign, has assigned a few lobbyists in various countries to make desperate diplomatic efforts to “salvage” him and his loyalists from visible assassination in the ever-growing mass movement against his regime.

It figures that Qaddafi would be having his favorite international lobbyists trying to sway international leaders (and probably business concerns as well.) – my note – Wonder which ones they are? Hmmm…….

Now, that would be worth finding out.


World leaders are currently meeting in Geneva to determine the best ways to proceed with help for the Libyan people. (my note)


This sad news just reported –

4 Americans dead in UAE plane crash


A statement by the U.S. Embassy to local media on Monday says the four were en route to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on the first leg of a trip back to the United States. There were no other details about the four. (they were in a private plane, my note from the story).


Gaddafi nurse returns to Ukraine

BBC News – ‎1 hour ago‎
A Ukrainian nurse described by a US diplomat as a “voluptuous blonde” confidante of Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi has flown home to Kiev.



Australia probes ‘secret’ Gaddafi assets

News24 – ‎3 hours ago‎
Sydney – Australia is investigating claims that the family of beleaguered Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has stashed millions of dollars in assets down under, Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd said on Monday.

Gaddafi regime fighter down in Libya

Mon Feb 28, 2011 10:53AM


A warplane belonging to government forces under Libya’s ruler Muammar Gaddafi has been downed around the northwestern city of Misrata as the regime’s grip on power loosens.

The plane went down some 210 kilometers east of the capital, Tripoli, where pro-democracy protesters have also repelled the latest offensive by the Gaddafi regime.

The port city is Libya’s third largest where a number of people have also been reportedly killed.


Pearson sees 2011 growth after earnings up 19 percent

stv.tv – Greg Mahlich, David Holmes – ‎3 minutes ago‎
About 3 percent of Pearson’s shares are owned by the Libyan Investment Authority, a stake subject to a UK government freeze on the country’s leader Muammar Gaddafi’s assets on Sunday. Scardino said: “It’s abhorrent to us what is happening in Libya and

FT Financial Times
Pearson beats profit guidance with 28% rise: The education and publishing group, owner of the FT, surpasses a… http://on.ft.com/eYLOxC


Aside from Libya – these couple things are interesting –

Mubarak has been banned from travel by Egyptian prosecutors and –

Teodoro Nguema’s son plans to build a $380 million superyacht

Bulawayo24 – ‎4 minutes ago‎
by Byo24News The son of Equatorial Guinea’s dictator of 30 years commissioned plans to build a superyacht costing $380 million, nearly three times what the country spends on health and education each year, says a corruption watchdog.

28 February 2011 Last updated at 06:19 ET

Egypt’s public prosecutor has issued a travel ban on former President Hosni Mubarak and his family.



Qaddafi Bab al-Azizia - Tripoli, Libya - from Aljazeera

Qaddafi Bab al-Azizia - Tripoli, Libya - from Aljazeera

This castle was held at the heavily fortified area of six square kilometers in the strategically located south of Tripoli to be close to all interests, the official in the capital and near the highway leading to the Tripoli airport, as some sources that the control rooms of all communication networks exist in this rule.






France sending aid planes to Libya’s Benghazi

The Associated Press

Feb. 28, 2011, 4:37AM



ICC prosecutor says expects to open Libya probe

Reuters Africa – Aaron Gray-Block, Tim Pearce – ‎5 minutes ago‎
The United Nations Security Council has imposed sanctions on Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and his family, and wants Libya’s crackdown on anti-government demonstrators referred to the ICC.

Seven men found buried alive in Gadaffi’s compound

Submitted 18 mins ago

SKY News quoted the rescuers as saying that they heard voices underground and dug through earth and freshly laid concrete to discover the seven men, some of whom were barely alive. They said some of the seven were anti-Gaddafi protesters and others were soldiers who had rebelled against the dictator. They were now being treated in hospital.

The ground underneath the compound is yielding more dark secrets in a labyrinth of bunkers, prisons and armouries. This was Gaddafi’s subterranean stronghold in the east of Libya. Its tunnels appear to have been stacked high with every kind of weapon.

