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Look at the Republican Party now. They must parrot the talking points they’ve been given. They must obey Trump blindly with complete loyalty and allegiance to him above the Constitution and everything else. They can’t vote on something they believe in or even put their best efforts to write legislation for, like the Border Bill, if Trump says to vote it down or to not do it in the first place.

The RNC is now Trump’s piggy bank with all the donations made by regular people and by billionaires, companies and organizations distributed as he sees fit as if he owns it all. Right now, that means paying his legal bills despite those not being the responsibility of the Republican Party to pay. They didn’t get him in this legal mess from Trump’s criminal behavior and illegal choices, his using fraudulent business actions, his defaming people to make viral social media ratings, his sexual assaults on women, his election interference and his organizing efforts to overturn a valid election. He did those things. It was his choices.

So, Trump removed the Republican elected officials’ and Republican Party’s leadership’s rights and freedoms to say what their knowledge and conscience would lead them to say or to believe or to act on. And, Trump removed the appropriate uses of his supporters’ campaign donations made to him and to his PACs’; the Republican Party donors’ funds given to the RNC, Republican Party, their PACs and SuperPACs; plus the dark money donations, and other funding sources and PACs made to the “conservative” movement. Now, all those funds belong to Trump without restriction for him to use as he wants and to otherwise only be used for him to steal the US presidency again for his own use.

A cruel reality of these facts is that there is nothing “conservative” about any of this. There is nothing of the purposes being in the interest of the United States in any of it. It offers no freedom to the people of the Republican Party already caught up in it and it offers no room for their personal beliefs nor their conscience and knowledge to operate. It takes the freedom to use any and all of those or to think for themselves, away. And, these Christian Nationalist Fascist Republicans run by Trump will do this to the entire population of the United States of America in the same way, only more extensively.

Believe it or not – putting this

Slurring MTG Has COMPLETE MELTDOWN During LIVE Interview

and trying to force it into this –


is not going to work well –

DeSantis Fla univ takeover, book bans, running teachers off & academics off – Texas Abbott at Houston ISD and Austin – running teachers off, taking over the Houston school system, book banning, hiring teachers without college degrees and closing libraries to make them into detention centers  – (saw a video about it, find it) – 

  • As Erdogan in Turkey and Orban in Hungary, as Gaddafi & Saddam Hussein Ba’ath Party did, as Putin & Khomeini did, and as Hitler distilled into his playbook of methods to establish Fascism, Nazism & an authoritarian dictatorship of one of the most tyrannical kinds over Germany and then over much of Europe.

How are Republicans run by fascists taking your freedoms away?

In a time when [families look (and act)] and are composed in different ways than when Father Knows Best, Donna Reed and Leave It To Beaver shows were on our TVs, the solution of the Christian Nationalist Fascists and Trump owned Republican Party is to force all of us to go back to that and it was never an adequate reflection of reality in the first place.

Today, families (look different than that and) are composed of different combinations and compositions than when the Beaver and Wally struggled with life problems on our TV sets (with writers to pose it, construct it and properly solve their dilemmas.)

The Christian Nationalists and their Republican political machine running the Fascist Republican Party, Libertarians, MAGA and Donald Trump’s political positions now, are missing the mark when their policies, beliefs and actions seek to force Americans to live according to that TV producer contrived vision of America in the 1950’s.

When the Nelson’s lived on our TV sets, there were no cellphones, calls could only be made by a rotary phone attached to the wall whose handset was attached to the phone. Calls could only be made or received where that phone was installed – at work or at home or in a telephone booth. There was a different world because of it, among other things.

There was no social media, Zoom calls, livestreaming in real time, conference calls, text messages, answering machines (although there were answering services that would take your messages for you, write them down and then relay them to you when you called them,) no interactions with the TV shows or Live Chat during a news show or event, and no cable TV. For the communications between your house and the next door neighbors’, it meant you talked over the back fence or went over for coffee. We don’t do that anymore. There were no Starbucks or happy little cappuccino places with croissants nearby.

When the Beaver and Wally sorted out things (with their writers’ and director’s help), there was apartment living but nobody talked about it. Air travel existed but not for pretty much anyone and everyone because of its prohibitive price. Interconnected global economies were not practical for the same reason from one side of the world to the other, although there were limited aspects of that as we now enjoy.

Donna Reed never had to deal with live streaming facebook friends, text messages to be answered in real time right this minute, carrying a cellphone while cooking dinner or shopping, live streamed wars and world events with real time engagement about it on twitter and twitch, twenty-four hour global news coverage nor massive sports matches hosting tens of thousands of fans with billions of viewers around the world watching them. Her TV family never had Live Chat with others around the world or around the country or even in her own TV town.

To say that the images and ideas conveyed by TV shows of the 1950’s (and before that), was one-dimensional, is an understatement. There didn’t have to be room to offer equality to different kinds of families because there weren’t any shown. That made it easy to simply deny the valid existence of 75% of Americans who didn’t look like, act like or weren’t composed like the Cleavers or the Nelsons on TV. So, our national Republican Party run by Fascists, Trump, the Heritage Foundation, Harlan Crow, the Koch Network and Christian Nationalists have reverted to trying to force Americans to live that.

As much as I don’t like Marjorie Traitor Greene and consider her a bad waste of a good Congressional seat where so much could be done of some good – she is the poster child of forcing others to think as she does, yet she could no more want to be forced into that 1946 picture of what a woman is allowed to do and to be as any of us. And to try and do so, isn’t going to work in the ways Russia did to their women, that Iran did to their women and as other horrific dictatorships have done to their women – no matter what Christian Nationalists and the Republicans serving them think.

That is not to say women can’t be oppressed by the fascists and their political machine using the Republican Party and Trump or that somehow our nation’s women will be different in their reactions to that oppression and abuse than in these other countries. I can see it will be odd and unpredictable in ways that no one can project. But too, what will the men of the United States do when they are also being forced into this removal of freedoms without our Constitutional rights any longer – not only for women, and the poor, and the veterans, and the seniors, and the legal immigrants but also for men whose skin color is not white, or if it is white, for some other reasons to deny freedoms and rights to them? How will they respond? Will they simply become predominantly drunks like in Russia or sexual predators as in many dictatorships or sadistic against those more vulnerable than them as in Nazi Germany – or all of the above?

I pointed out how communication is so vastly different now than in the 1950’s without expanding on the truly staggering differences there are in many aspects of things we take for granted. This is interesting and brings much of the vastness of those differences to mind –

Soyuz “Globus” Mechanical Navigation Computer Part 1: Grand Opening – CuriousMarc

Feb 16, 2023We open up a Soyuz INK “Globus” analog mechanical navigation computer. It’s full of gears and incredibly gorgeous, and in our case, somewhat broken. Thanks to Depstech for lending us their endoscope! Update: we were able to power up the Globus and make it work in the next episode:    • Soyuz “Globus” Mechanical Navigation …  

Today, Russia may still be using these when they can’t hijack a GPS from some western sanctioned access.

I have a globe. Would I want to go back to navigating using that instead of the other ways available now simply because some group said I no longer had the freedom to use anything we’ve learned or changed post 1979 when Paul Weyrich, Richard Viguerie and Pat Buchanan decided to take America back to the 1950s? NO. Would you?

  • cricketdiane 03-08-2024