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What would a person or a business pay $50,000+ to have?
Written by Cricket Diane C Phillips, 07-19-95, 2008, 1995
08-01-08 (typed, edited and enhanced)

Over the years, I became very weary hearing the same answer every time anyone explained what to do to get money when I needed it. Each time, the solution would be offered that I sell drugs, which I couldn’t do or play the lottery, which I wouldn’t do. At several times, I brainstormed some lists of things that would also bring money besides those two things. This is one of those lists that I created in 1995, then added to it when it was being typed up today.

1.  Do pay that for a 30-second commercial on tv stations.
2.  To buy some very small houses
3.  To buy Cadillacs, Volvos & Vans to drive
4.  To purchase some pick-up trucks
5.  Paintings done by famous artists
6.  Pave small stretches of roadway
7.  Some computer systems, programming & software
8.  Major databases & access to them
9.  Small business real estate
10. Boats, motorcycles, very fancy bikes, yachts
11. Airplanes, helicopters, & ultra-lites
12. Collectibles, rare coins, gold, silver, antique autos
13. Some designer clothing – specialty fads
14. Office rent in a big building
15. Air conditioning systems for buildings
16. Copying machines, some camera & sound equipment
17. For equipment in hair salon / store fixtures
18. Large equipment used to build buildings
19. Franchise fees
20. Pay to some people to be on tv
21  Remodeling / refurbishing / retrofitting places
22. Schools equipment & facilities
23. Swimming pools
24. 18-wheeler semi-trucks & trailers
25. Payrolls for employees
26. Management of company operations
27. Transferring stuff to other countries
28. Shipping / exporting & importing
29. Information that is hard to get or hard to find, collect, gather
30. Building materials; marble, mahogany, steel; etc.
31. Big machines, industrial & manufacturing machines
32. Surveillance & security equipment
33. Ball players to play for their teams
34. To clean Statue of Liberty
35. For the windows in office buildings
36. Interior decorations of showrooms, stores & offices
37. Music stars, actors & actresses to perform
38. Attorney services, doctor’s surgeries, hospitals, legal fees
39. Winnebagos & other driving homes (custom), rvs, busses
40. Architects, engineering, designers
41. Royalty advances to franchise licenses
42. Syndication / broadcast / publication rights
43. Subscription fees for information systems
44. Information analysis, comparison & interpretation or evaluation
45. Production direction and organization
46. Executive, producers, producers, directors, principals in production companies
47. To appear in commercials to promote products and businesses
48. For some championship horses & racecars
49. Champion jockeys, race car drivers, fighters
50. Business packages – turn key operations
51. Some comedians, comedy material, rights to use
52. Some toy, doll, stuffed animal & product designs
53. For some photography & illustrations to publish
56. For plastic surgery, teeth & breast enhancement
57. Corporate & product logos and identity packages to Fortune 500 companies and others
58. For selling many of something at a small profit
59. For illegal drug trafficking & illegal entry products
60. For public relations and promotions
61. For political insider information & policy construct
62. Contract killing; espionage corporate & political
63. Sabotage of competitors’ market operations
64. Some landscaping projects
65. Broker fees
66. Software and software licensing fees
67. Authors for rights to publish
68. For certain intellectual property rights to be used
69. Hot air balloons and specialty vehicles
70. Solar panels, specialty technologies and alternative energy systems
71. Rocket propulsion systems
72. For sponsorships and the advertising that comes with it
73. For home theater systems
74. For musical and stage equipment, stage sets, props and performance staging and lights
75. Parties, weddings and elements in them
76. Parade floats and parade character balloons
77. Participation in trade shows and conventions
78. Sailboats, racing boats, speed and ski boats
79. Most levels of employees in every category
80. Accountants and attorney services
81. Honeymoons, vacations, cruises and retreats
82. Some insurance fees for homes, individuals and businesses
83. For certain specialty and collectible items
84. Some antique furniture and vintage or specialty cars and other vehicles
85. For interior decoration / interior design for homes, lobbies, businesses, restaurants, hotels
86. Some season tickets for VIP boxes at events – sports and others
87. Music distribution rights
88. Public speaking fees and honorariums
89. Taxes
90. Golf, Country Club and other clubs and association fees
91. Professional association membership fees
92. Security systems for homes and businesses
93. Sets for televisions shows, talk shows and news shows
94. Stories, characters and story lines for tv sitcoms and movies
95. Licensing and royalty fees for characters and other brand items to be used
96. For wind turbines, some motors and engines, electric generators of size or specialized use
97. Mechanical equipment, bobcats, bulldozers, cranes, small dumptrucks
98. Electric vehicles for moving things around plants and factories, forklifts, some lab equipment
99. Some commercial buildings, commercial leases and retail store buildings and leases
100.Some patent searches and similar research
101.Rewards for recovery, information leading to recovery, bounty hunters, insurance rewards for information leading to solving crimes, arson and theft
102.Certain computer geek specialties, writing software, hacking and protection from hacking
103. Modification of existing vehicles into specialized categories, monster trucks, hot rods, etc.
104. Election, non-profits and religious campaign elements and persuasion
105. Mail-order catalogs to be created
106. Street lighting and parking lot lighting systems
107. For each foot length of a bridge to be built
108. For parking decks and skywalks to be built
109. For traffic signal systems, security traffic cam systems and other transportation signal systems
110. For certain shipping and moving of freight

Cricket Diane C “Sparky” Phillips, Cricket House Studios, 2008, 1995