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The application of solutions by architects, engineers, inventors, manufacturers and other brilliant folks after Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans can be taken in specific innovations and even as a way to do it for Staten Island and other New York boroughs wrought by the devastation of Hurricane Sandy and its storm surge –

This is a brief explanation of what was done after Katrina – each and every home, sidewalk, design, new materials application used in these homes could be used for homes and businesses being remediated and rebuilt in Staten Island, Queens, Brooklyn and New Jersey areas that were affected with such horrendous devastation –

Over the past five years, the Make it Right Foundation in New Orleans has been realizing its commitment to build 150 affordable, green storm resistant homes for families living in the Lower 9th Ward. The foundation, established by Brad Pitt, has completed seventy-five homes with the time and efforts donated by local and international architects such as Gehry Partners, Morphosis, Kieran Timberlake, Pugh+Scarpa, and McDonough+Partners.




Sizing up the situation, mega movie star Brad Pitt singled out the ruined neighborhood for post-Katrina salvation. A modern building enthusiast, Pitt enlisted the help of respected architects from around the world to design hurricane and flood-safe, ecologically efficient replacement homes for former residents. He established a foundation, Make It Right, which has raised $30 million for the project, allowing the houses to be affordable to those of modest means. Since its beginning in 2008, the colorful, geometrically jagged neighborhood has become a tourist magnet.


