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That was Mike Bloomberg talking about the parents, teachers and students who turned raucous at two meetings preceding a rubberstamp vote to close 22 schools.

But, the folks in that auditorium at Brooklyn Tech had no more real voice than the folks in Egypt. Schools Chancellor Cathie Black and the ruling majority of the panel on stage are mayoral puppets.

They hardly even pretended that whatever the people in the auditorium had to say made much difference.”Not one person on the panel was actually listening,” said Charm Rhoomes, who was there Thursday night as the mother of a student at Jamaica High School and the president of its PTA. “Even Cathie Black. She was on her BlackBerry.”

via Bloomberg talks down to parents, teachers and students fighting for lives of their schools.

Had they bothered, the minions on the stage would have had no trouble hearing Rhoomes as she spoke with a Caribbean lilt of her son, who never misses school and gets good grades and was so thrilled when he was admitted to college-level math. He attended one class only to be told at the second that it had been dropped from the curriculum because the teacher had been cut. He would still love to have college math, but he does not want to lose the school where he has worked so hard. “He still loves the school,” she said.

My Question –
Where did the Federal Stimulus money go that was sent to New York – did it get put into the little program Mayor Bloomberg started to help out of work and laid off members of Wall Street start and fund their own businesses?
It is obvious a lot of the places where it was supposed to go that it didn’t go . . .
– Wonder, wonder, wonder.
– cricketdiane