
I was reading about the health care reform debate – checking across CNN and UPI and Reuters and the Google News of the day when a few days ago, I found an article in the Guardian UK about the right wing comments in the US about their nationalized health care system.

Amazingly, there were 715 comments on the article at the time I was reading it and I read through them, then copied them along with the article to a word document and re-read them as I altered the formatting to suit my needs. It took about three times reading across them to notice that there were some comments that seemed unusual which came from the US by admission of the commenter’s own statement.

This is what I had written at the time, once I noticed that the term “overreached” seem to be an odd use –

“Overreached” – that seems to be a strange term to use – and it is threaded throughout the conservative, the right-wing and Republican arguments against health care reform. So whose is it and where did it initiate? It seems to have appeared around May 2009 in this incarnation. Is it tit for tat because the term was used against the Bush administration’s war effort in Afghanistan and Iraq circa 2002 – 2003 or something in that neighborhood? Is it possible to use this term to trace a commonality now of sources? CPAC? Conservative business interests? Cato Institute, Hoover Institute, Wall Street, Coors, Heritage Institute writers? Where was it said and then repeated ad nauseum this time? Who said it in relation to the health care reform and climate change package?

– cricketdiane, 08-12-09

This comment was found on a UK Guardian article about health care reform antagonists claiming that UK and Canadian systems of health care are not as good, etc. –


‘Evil and Orwellian’ – America’s right turns its fire on NHS
(article title – one of 715 comments is found below – )

11 Aug 09, 10:56pm (about 19 hours ago)

I love reading the Guardian  You have the most intelligent and erudite readers in the world. Is there anything redeeming about the United States or are we just a bunch of dumb rednecks? Rest assured that President Obama does not have the majority of Americans supporting him on nationalized healthcare. He has way overreached on this one   Just like in England, we all have the right to express our opinions—even when we disagree with our elected leaders. I guess that makes us all a bunch of crazy rightwingers.



Results 1 – 10 of about 8,380 for overreached. (0.39 seconds)

(I also made a basic Google search alongside a Google News search for the term “overreached”.)

My Note –

What I noticed was the high proportion of entries that included something said by Republicans, conservatives and their representatives lately (since around May 2009). That seemed unusual, so I wondered where it had started this year in the dialogue, which led me to an interview that was broadcast in January of 2009 between Sean Hannity of Rupert Murdoch’s FoxNews with Rush Limbaugh and the word “overreached” and “is over-reaching” was used numerous times throughout the interview. I would guess that it was common in the talk show discussions of the time hosted by Rush Limbaugh and others, but that is a guess. He seemed very comfortable with the word and its definitiveness to describe the situation as he perceives it. But, watching a bit of that brought me to wonder where that term had originated as an excuse to dismiss changes that were being considered or attempted by our elected government leadership.

And to be honest, whether I agree with everything the administration is doing or not, I don’t agree with dismissing their efforts out of hand nor do I agree with working strategies against them like in a chess game simply because . . .

Anyway, as I started researching where the unusual use of the term, “overreaching” in its dismissive context had originated and found a preponderance of references to members of the Republican Party making statements and conservative / Christian fundamentalist / right-wing “scholars” and dissemination portals – my curiosity was awakened. Do they even know what they are saying or where it has come from? And, where did they get it?

My daughter mentioned that some of the comments about the Bush administration’s war effort in Afghanistan originally and in Iraq had been using that word, which would’ve been about 2002 – 2004, so I looked that up, too. And, it was “analysts” which had used that word in 2004, but not in a dismissive context – therefore, unless it was a tit-for-tat situation to use that word and its inherent unwritten connotations against the changes Democrats and other elected officials are trying to make, that wasn’t where this use of it had originated.

If anything was interesting – this one certainly was –

Nov 23, 2000 – Bush added:  All Americans want a fair and accurate count of the votes in Florida. And I believe if there is a fair and accurate count of the votes in Florida, we will prevail.  Referring to Democrat Gore’s proposal for a tete-a-tete, Bush said:  I propose a good place to start. …
From … / AMERICA WAITS; Florida High Court ‘Overreached…
pqasb.pqarchiver.com/latimes/access/64629991.html?dids=64629991:64629991&FMT=ABS&FMTS=ABS: FT&type…’Overreached’+in…


[and this one -]

Nov 29, 2004 – Nov. 29–WASHINGTON — Moving swiftly to consolidate their control over government in the wake of their big election triumph, President Bush and Republican leaders in Congress are facing a different kind of threat — themselves. Political analysts warn that overly aggressive efforts to …
From Analysts warn GOP to beware perils of overreaching…


{There were a lot of entries but some of the ones that I found interesting -}

Jun 17, 2008 – The Justice Department overreached in prosecuting a former Bush administration official in the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal, a federal appeals court said Tuesday as it dismissed some charges and ordered a new trial on others. The decision overturns the conviction of David Safavian, …
From Conviction Thrown out in Abramoff Scandal

[And then there were these -]


Porcupine Freedom Festival: New Hampshire Libertarian Group Seeks …
Right Pundits – Shannon Bell – ?Jul 25, 2009?
But now, things are beginning to change; people are learning that perhaps the government has overreached a bit. Maybe the politicians had overstated the …

Reasons Not To Underestimate North Korea
ArmsControlWonk.com – ?Aug 4, 2009?
After the failures of their IRBM and ICBM test launches, it’s tempting to dismiss the North Koreans as having overreached. And maybe they have. …

How pure is pure?
The Independent Weekly – Julie Johnson – ?Aug 5, 2009?
Some value certainly, although a few marketing campaigns have overreached themselves. Reinheitsgebot beers may follow the purity laws, but it does not …


Utah politicians weigh in on progress of Obama’s health care plan
KSL-TV – Richard Piatt – ?Jul 27, 2009?
There is a growing concern that the president has overreached, that he’s trying to slam too many things in too quickly — from cap and trade, to stimulus, …

Bike Plan blunder?
San Francisco Chronicle – ?Jul 29, 2009?
But opponents overreached in declaring the EIR a victory. The localized slow-downs represent a tiny fraction of all city traffic, making it a small …

Just shut up and vote? (re HELLthCareFromHell.com/undecideds)
RenewAmerica – Curtis Dahlgren – ?Aug 1, 2009?
Franklin Roosevelt  over-reached  when he tried to pack the Supreme Court. – Harry Truman  over-ruled  the best of advice of Gen. …

Obama a Racist? This is the Conservative Strategy?
North Star Writers Group – ?Aug 4, 2009?
It’s only been six months, but the Democrats have already overreached. Conservative ideas are ready for a comeback. Now we need leaders to carry the message …


Three vie for seat amid county budget woes
TheNewsTribune.com – Christian Hill – ?Aug 5, 2009?
Beehler supports working with land trusts to preserve sensitive areas but said county regulations have overreached and prevented responsible development on …

Areva’s Field of Dreams
TIME – Bruce Crumley – ?Aug 6, 2009?
… of firms into the first one-stop-shop nuclear conglomerate, winning plaudits and the nickname  Atomic Anne  along the way — has dangerously overreached. …

Obama’s apologia pro vita Americana
Florida Times-Union – ?Aug 9, 2009?
… European public relations tour, appears to be the most arrogant of men, a man who has, in his brief tenure in that great office, overreached mightily. …

Gun foes see new hope with Sotomayor
Washington Times – Stephen Dinan – ?Aug 4, 2009?
Proponents of gun control say the National Rifle Association (NRA) and similar groups have overreached. They point to a Senate vote last month blocking an …

The White House…we are looking for a few good snitches.
The Batavian – Jeff Allen – ?Aug 5, 2009?
This president has overreached his authority more in 6 months, than any other president in history. Mr. President, members of both houses, please stop the …

Video: Health Care Hurdles – Poll – Bloomberg Bloomberg
Obama health care battle to be waged during congressional ‘recess’ USA Today
all 2,098 news articles »
Email this story

Councilman: Boulder house-size issue ‘dividing the community’
Daily Camera – Heath Urie – ?Aug 4, 2009?
Council has overreached and will regret doing so when LMHA puts this issue on the ballot so that the majority can decide what is fair and right. …

Augusta Chronicle Editorial Staff
Augusta Chronicle – ?Jul 23, 2009?
It’s become apparent to close observers that Obama has over-reached and overestimated his mandate. That he has over-reached is evident in the mass defection …

Are lobbyists silver lining in health care storm?
The Associated Press – Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar – ?Jul 25, 2009?
Democratic liberals overreached and can’t move a bill over the objections of their moderate and conservative colleagues.  Democrats can’t blame the industry …

Talking Business Looking Back in Anger at the Crisis
New York Times – Joe Nocera – ?Jul 18, 2009?
Republicans, meanwhile, felt that Mr. Paulson and Mr. Bernanke had overreached, using intimidation and threats to force through a private transaction. …


Attorney for convicted Kelly aide argues against jail time
Philadelphia Daily News – Michael Hinkelman – ?Aug 7, 2009?
Mathewson suggested in her court filing that the feds overreached by calling Wright a  high-level decision maker  in a misguided bid to persuade US District …
Seattle Times

Civil Disagreement: What to Think About Henry Gates
Seattle Times – Bruce Ramsey – ?Jul 29, 2009?
Prosecutors knew Crowley had overreached in a fit of pique and they didn’t even attempt to sustain his version. While you and I bake in 100-degree heat, …

Intent of the voters clearly being ignored
MiamiHerald.com – ?Aug 8, 2009?
I was one of those people the commissioner spoke to and no one believed he over reached. He had been planning this resolution for more than five years. …

Land: Quality of life would suffer under bill
BP News – Tom Strode – ?Aug 7, 2009?
Health-care reform and a climate-change proposal known as  cap and trade  are examples of how Obama and other Democratic leaders have overreached, …

Uncle Sam Wants to Control Your Computer, Part Deux
PC World – ?Aug 5, 2009?
The Electronic Frontier Foundation’s Hugh D’Andrade notes that the Cash for Clunkers terms of service definitely overreached, as many EULAs do, …

Terror Creeps Into the Heartland
New York Times – Nicholas D. Kristof – ?Jul 22, 2009?
But the militants may have overreached. Their brutality, including the flogging of a teenage girl before a large crowd, has shocked and alienated many …

Rhetorical Danger Zone: Hoyer and Pelosi Call Town Hall …
The Moderate Voice – Joe Gandelman – ?Aug 10, 2009?
The race is on to see which side discredits itself first — and the one that looks to have overreached the most or is most frighetening to those in the …

AP article on health reform speaks volumes
Daily Kos – ?Jul 25, 2009?
Democratic liberals overreached and can’t move a bill over the objections of their moderate and conservative colleagues. Overreached? …

MITCHELL – Could rulings on Minor, other appeals telegraph …
Yall Politics – ?Aug 6, 2009?
The issue is whether federal prosecutors have overreached in using the bribery statute. In 2007, a federal jury in Mississippi convicted Minor and two …


But these were some of the best ones –

The Sunday Word
New York Times – Ashley Southall – ?Aug 2, 2009?
Minority Leader John Boehner promised a “hot summer” for Democrats, contending that they have over-reached in their proposals to alter health insurance. …

Lloyd makes no apologies
Charleston Post Courier – ?Aug 8, 2009?
(Mark Sanford is Republican South Carolina Governor in trouble for affair and lying)
Mark Sanford appointed Lloyd in 2008 to take over. Reached by phone Saturday, Stewart highlighted achievements under his tenure. The agency was continually …
Compromise Bill Would Allow, But Scale Back, Noncompete Agreements …

Xconomy – Wade Roush – ?Jul 20, 2009?
It also cuts out restrictions that judges in contract dispute cases might see as overreaching—and it automatically awards attorneys’ fees to employees in …

New York Times
Economic View An Early-Warning System, Run by the Fed
New York Times – Alan Blinder – ?Jul 25, 2009?
On the other hand, some members of Congress are grumbling that the Fed has already overreached, usurping Congressional authority. Others contend that it has …

The future of MLS is pinned to nights like this
Los Angeles Times – Helene Elliott – ?Aug 1, 2009?
Part of the downfall of the North American Soccer League was that it overreached, placing teams in too-large stadiums that made decent-sized crowds look …

The Associated Press
Both sides shift health care debate to Main Street
The Associated Press – Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar – ?Aug 1, 2009?
House Republican leader John Boehner of Ohio says Obama and the Democrats have overreached on health care and  they’re likely to have a very, …

[From – ]


“Overreached” on news google – 08-12-09


There were several from this animal – puppet of the Republican Party –

The Associated Press
Both sides shift health care debate to Main Street
The Associated Press – Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar – ?Aug 1, 2009?
House Republican leader John Boehner of Ohio says Obama and the Democrats have overreached on health care and  they’re likely to have a very, …

{And then I found this one from another search}

RealClearPolitics – Articles – President Obama Has Overreached
Our leader has overreached. What he’s talking about is very unlikely, in bulk, to happen. That could be the upside of our financial mess. …

{And a couple of articles from Secretary Gates’ comments about Taliban}

DefenseLink News Article: Gates Says Taliban ‘Overreached’ in …
WASHINGTON, May 7, 2009 – The Taliban “overreached” in their offensive in Pakistan’s Buner district, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said today in Kabul. …
http://www.defenselink.mil/news/newsarticle.aspx?id=54239 – Cached – Similar
Gates: Taliban overreached in Buner – UPI.com
May 7, 2009 … US Defense Secretary Robert Gates Thursday said the Taliban erred by trying to take over the Buner district in Pakistan because it is so …
http://www.upi.com/Top…overreached…/UPI-77291241730193/ – Cached – Similar

United States Central Command – Gates: Taliban ‘overreached’ in …
May 7, 2009 … CENTCOM official web site, WASHINGTON (May 7, 2009) – The Taliban “overreached” in their offensive in Pakistan’s Buner district, …
http://www.centcom.mil/…/gates-taliban-overreached-in-pakistan-offensive.html – Cached – Similar

[Then – there’s this one – wow – ]

Leaders overreached and borrowed trouble – News – Stop Job Killing …
A coalition of business and community organizations.


My Note – along the way I found some that were just plain fascinating –
DOJ Says NSA Overreached on Domestic Wiretapping | American …
DOJ Says NSA Overreached on Domestic Wiretapping. Posted Apr 16 2009 – 1:33pm. Justice Department officials are acknowledging that wiretapping in recent …

Has Congress Overreached in Search of Comfy Air Travel …
Aug 11, 2009 … Breaking Alert: No Category: US The House of Representatives has added $330 million to its version of the defense budget, to buy planes to …