The Chamber’s lobbyists, policy experts, and communicators have helped secure many legislative victories, including major tax cuts, more sensible workplace and environmental regulations, and increased funding for transportation. The Chamber has advanced the business argument on outsourcing and the need for balance in applying new capital markets and accounting rules, among other issues.


Thomas J. Donohue
President and CEO, U.S. Chamber of Commerce

From its headquarters near the White House, the Chamber maintains a professional staff of more than 300 of the nation’s top policy experts, lobbyists, lawyers, and communicators. The Washington staff is supported by seven regional offices around the country; an office in Brussels; an on-the-ground presence in China; and a network of grassroots business activists.

Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America®  provides you with a voice of experience and influence in Washington, D.C., and around the globe. Our core mission is to fight for business and free enterprise before Congress, the White House, regulatory agencies, the courts, the court of public opinion, and governments around the world.


* so, whose side are they playing? apparently the bankers are using this convention for their own advantages – as well as, those who want to stick the American taxpayers with their gambling losses in the game of credit leveraging with nothing to back it up. I think most people don’t think the US Chamber of Commerce had so much more voice in these legislative matters that America lost jobs directly because of their efforts.

(among other things.)